Melbourne Writers' Festival

Dramageddon is a genre-bending choose- your-own-adventure podcast created by playwright Jean Tong and comedian Lou Wall. Each episode pits two queer people against the climate apocalypse in 2050. This MWF-themed special tests Candy Bowers and Nevo Zisin on their survival skills, forcing them to address ethical questions such as: write or run? Publish or punish? Paperback or zombie snack?

It’s the end of the world; bring on the Dramageddon!

Produced by Xen Nhà with Queen Victoria Women’s Centre, published by Broadwave

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Day 0

This episode takes us all the way back to Day 0, as comedians Zoë Coombs Marr and Nina Oyama emerge from an isolated three month getaway to find the world unlike how they left it. The pair battle generational differences, debate the perks of never having to shit again, and figure out how to survive when the apocalypse first hits.

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Broadwave Podcasts
Day 735

It’s all aboard for performers Carly Sheppard and Tahlee Fereday as they jump on a cruise ship to escape the zombie plague that’s taking over land and sea. Join them for rats, cruise ship orgies, and zombie physiology getting in the way of their final plan.

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Broadwave Podcasts
Year 96

Playwright Morgan Rose and writer/editor Roz Bellamy discuss the weirdest ways to escape awkward pick-ups at the bar, how educators can support the next generation of change-makers, and how to talk big and difficult ideas with young people.

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Broadwave Podcasts
Day 800

It's a real funny or die world for comedians Geraldine Hickey and Anna Piper Scott in their plight to see if stand up comedy has it's place in Dramageddon. The pair talk Adelaide Fringe (pre- and post- apocalypse), how to handle a heckler and deliver a rousing rendition of "To Be With You" by Mr Big. But will they deliver a killer set - or be killed by their set?

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Broadwave Podcasts
Day 45

Trapped in an enforced quarantine, married couple Mia MacDonald and Steph Hughes discuss being “crafty with finding sperm”, tiny cock viruses, how to keep milk cold in a world with no fridges, and divorce!

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Broadwave Podcasts
Day 635

Secret martial artists (and theatre artists) Sapidah Kian and Natesha Somasundaram get into the nitty gritty of totalitarian leadership, cannibalism as punishment, and tickle torture - as the new leaders of the post-Apocalyptic Mt-Dandenong -Hotel-slash-lesbian-commune.

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Broadwave Podcasts
Trailer: Dramageddon is coming

Created before we found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic, Dramageddon is the perfect silly slice of satire to distract you from the world right now. Subscribe now to hear episodes 1 and 2 when they drop next Thursday 9 April

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Broadwave Podcasts