BTS: Shifting Subjects

A few weeks ago we rolled our jackets into pillows and gazed up at the MPavilion ceiling while Lisa Divissi and Jon Tjhia ushered Shifting Subjects into the world as part of LIMINAL LISTENS.

It's a real treat to listen to such deeply considered, rich and intimate audio. Work like this feels rare and precious, because it is.

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Broadwave Podcasts
3: Listening To Mama Pai

In this episode, artist Angie Pai recounts the events leading up to the making of her short film ‘Listen to Mama’, while Alan Weedon describes the experience of seeing such a work for the first time and the resonance it’s had in his own life.

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Launch: Shifting Subjects

Join us in the gardens for a relaxed and informal listening event and settle in for a selection of narrative audio stories from around the continent that showcase rigorous soundcraft, unconventional storytelling and hidden knowledges.

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Broadwave Podcasts